This NiCad electrodes are made of two flat plates. The anode plate is made of
cadmium hydroxide, and the cathode plate is made of nickel hydroxide.
Thus the name: Nickel-Cadmium.
There is an alkaline electrolyte, generally made of KOH, which also acts as
a plate spacer. The plates and the electrolyte are sandwiched together. The sandwich
is then spiral rolled into a coil and placed inside a steal can and sealed.
The output voltage is lower at 1.2 volts per cell but the voltage output remains
level over the life of the cell charge.
This cell is rechargeable, and can be fully discharged and stored for long
periods of time without damaging the cell. When recharging a NiCad battery the
power is applied in reverse and the chemical reaction is reversed until the cell
is fully charged. Heat is also produces
as a result of the chemical reaction. This discharge/charge cycle can happen for many
cycles. Over time this recharging ability will steadily diminish until the cell
is not able to be recharged (dead).
During the depletion cycle and the cell energy is being used, this reaction goes
from left to right. When the cell is being recharged, the chemical reaction
moved from right to left.